11 research outputs found

    Struktur Klausa Bahasa Maanyan Dalam Pangunraun Taliwakas Paadu (the Structure of the Maanyan Clause in Pangunraun Taliwakas Paadu)

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    Struktur Klausa Bahasa Maanyan dalam Pangunraun Taliwakas Paadu. Penelitian ini bertujuanmemerikan secara lengkap struktur klausa bahasa Maanyan dalam Pangunraun Taliwakas Paadu(nasihat pernikahan), yaitu struktur kalimat dasar, struktur klausa relatif atau klausa perwatasan,dan struktur klausa pemerlengkapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metodedeskriptif. Deskripsi penelitian semata-mata hanya berdasarkan fakta yang nyata atau fenomenayang secara empiris hidup pada penuturnya, sehingga yang dihasilkan atau dicatat berupa pemerianbahasa.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian struktur bahasa Maanyan dalam Pangunraun Taliwakas Paadu(nasihat pernikahan) terdapat struktur klausa sebagai berikut: (1) Klausa relatif/perwatasan, terdiriatas pewatas frasa nomina objek, pewatas frasa nomina subjek sama, (2) Klausa pemerlengkapan,terdiri atas klausa pemerlengkap frasa verba berfungsi sebagai pelengkap, klausa pemerlengkap frasaverba berfungsi sebagai keterangan, dan klausa pemerlengkap frasa nomina subjek, (3)Struktur kalimatdasar, yang terdiri atas frasa nomina + frasa nomina, frasa nomina + frasa verba, dan frasa nomina +frasa numeralia.Kata


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    Penelitian ini secara khusus bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kepribadian tokoh utama Kugy dalam novel Perahu Kertas karya Dewi Lestari, (2) mendeskripsikan kepribadian tokoh Keenan dalam novel Perahu Kertas karya Dewi Lestari. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pustaka, simak, dan catat. Penelitiannya adalah mengkaji aspek kepribadian tokoh dalam karya sastra. Pendekatan ini akan memberikan gambaran bagaimana proses berpikir yang dialami tokoh utama yang merupakan bentuk dari aspek kepribadian id, ego, dan superego. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepribadian tokoh utama dalam novel Perahu Kertas karya Dewi Lestari mencakup id, ego, dan superego. Pada tokoh Kugy dan Keenan kepribadian superego yang paling dominan pada novel ini, superego Kugy 70 data dan superego Keenan 55 data. Superego merupakan nilai-nilai moral yang berlaku di masyarakat dalam bentuk larangan atau perintah. Superego menentukan pilihan pelaku dan tindakan seseorang apakah baik dan pantas atau sebaliknya. Kepribadian id tokoh Kugy dan Keenan juga dominan pada novel ini, id Kugy 68 data dam id Keenan 37 data. Id merupakan kepribadian yang dibawa sejak lahir dan memiliki dorongan untuk berbuat serta menghindari rasa tidak nyaman. Sedangkan kepribadian ego tokoh Kugy dan Keenan paling sedikit ditemukan pada novel ini, Kugy 48 data dan ego Keenan 28 data. Ego merupakan pengendali perilaku dan pikiran yang tidak rasional menjadi rasional. Ego berkembang dari id agar orang mampu menangani realita; sehingga ego beroperasi mengikuti prinsip realita; usaha memperoleh kepuasan yang dituntut Id dengan mencegah terjadinya tegangan baru atau menunda kenikmatan sampai ditemukan objek yang nyata-nyata dapat memuaskan kebutuhan


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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai realisasi ilokusi tindak tutur direktif dalam dialog proses belajar- mengajar mata pelajaran biologi di SMAK Santo Aloysius Palangka Raya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) realisasi ilokusi tindak tutur direktif dalam dialog proses belajar- mengajar, (2) pola kalimat bahasa indonesia yang digunakan  dalam realisasi ilokusi tindak tutur direktif dalam dialog proses belajar- mengajar, (3) respon siswa dalam menanggapi ilokusi tindak tutur direktif yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam proses belajar- mengajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah dialog proses belajar- mengajar pada mata pelajaran bilogi. Objek penelitian ini adalah dialog proses belajar- mengajar yang merealisasikan tindak tutur direktif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) realisasi ilokusi tindak tutur direktif dalam dialog proses belajar- mengajar yang paling dominan adalah tindak tutur direktif pertanyaan. realisasi tindak tutur direktif dalam dialog proses belajar- mengajar dituturkan dengan kalimat deklaratif, imperatif, dan interogatif. Tindak tutur direktif dalam dialog dominan menggunakan kalimat imperatif. (2) pola kalimat bahasa Indonesia yang  paling dominan diwujudkan dengan kalimat deklaratif, imperatif dan interogatif dan  paling dominan kalimat interogatif dan imperatif,  (3) respon siswa dalam menanggapi tindak tutur direktif guru meliputi respon kognitif, afektif dan konatif. Respon dalam menanggapi tindak tutur direktif paling dominan respon konatif


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    The training and evaluation assistance based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is motivated by the teacher's pedagogic competence in developing the evaluation of learning outcomes that are still conventional. Therefore, community service that is carried out is based on the aim of increasing the ability of teachers to make questions that can encourage students to have the ability to analyze (C4), evaluate (C5), and create (C6). The program is Training on Preparation of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for Indonesian Language Teachers in Palangka Raya City. This PKM activity is carried out by providing training and assistance in preparing lesson plans and making questions based on the guidelines for writing HOTS questions. Through lecture and practical methods, this training was able to open up the knowledge and understanding of teachers about the preparation of HOTS-based lesson plans, as well as improve the ability and skills of teachers in making questions at the level of higher-order thinking skills. So, that it can be used to measure the development of students thinking and reasoning correctly following the expected final learning outcomes, the whole community service activity can be successful. However, not all of the mentoring participants have mastered how to prepare HOTS questions


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    This study used a class action research (CAR) method, which was carried out in cycle I and cycle II that consists of the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data collection in this study used test and non-test techniques and to analyze the data was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively, with a classical completeness target of 85%, with a KKM value of 78, and a KKM value of attitude with a predicate (B). Based on the results, the learning process of compiling explanatory texts has increased in every aspect of his observations, with an average value of three observers of 79.7% not reaching 85% in the first cycle, increasing in the second cycle by 95.14%, or an increase of 10.14%. For the results of an increase in the composition of the explanatory text, compilation increased from the results of pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II by 76.3% increased in cycle I by 80% increased in cycle II with an average value of 83.3%, or with a percentage the increase between pre-cycle I to cycle I was 3.7% and between cycle I to cycle II by 15%. The results of students' responses from cycle I to cycle II experienced changes with the results of responses that were getting better or positive in cycle II related to activities learning to compose explanatory texts with Problem Based Learning (PBL) using media images of natural events of forest fires and haze in Central Kalimantan that occur every year during the dry season


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    The use of technological advances has given rise to new media for all fields, including the use of technology in the field of education. This allows the development of alternative learning media that can help the process of teaching courses in higher education. A teacher is required to be able to adapt to technology and use it as a creative and innovative learning tool or medium. The use of digital-based learning media allows students to study these materials anywhere and at any time. Serial podcasts as a medium for learning Indonesian for academic purposes in the digital era are a development product carried out by a team of digital-based media and learning resource developers. This podcast consists of eight episodes containing material related to learning Indonesian. The development of this learning media aims to describe and present eight podcasts with different material for each episode. Determining the type of media development product has been considered from the important elements and characteristics of selecting learning media that suit student needs. The development of this learning media uses a 4D model which has four stages, namely (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop; and (4) disseminete or distribution. The results of this learning media development product include the following materials: (1) Indonesian for Academic Purposes in the Digital Era, (2) Spelling in Indonesian, (3) Sentences in Indonesian, (4) Topic 4: Paragraphs in Indonesian , (5) Utilization of Digital Technology to Improve Indonesian Language Skills, (6) Indonesian in Academic Communication, (7) Indonesian in Scientific Research and Publications, and; (8) Challenges and Opportunities of Indonesian in the Digital Era which have been published on the ”Siniar Enggang” YouTube account (https://www.youtube.com/@SiniarEnggang)


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    ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan campur kode dalam forum jual belionline Facebook di kota Palangka Raya. Masalah yang akan digali dalam penelitian iniadalah: (1) Bagaimana bentuk campur kode dalam iklan penawaran barang di forum jualbeli online Facebook kota Palangka Raya (2) Apa penyebab terjadinya campur kode dalamiklan penawaran barang di forum jual beli online Facebook kota Palangka Raya.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitiankualitatif deskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kata, frasa, danklausa/kalimat pada status pedangang online dalam forum jual beli online di kota palangkaraya di Facebook. Sumber data yang dipakai adalah hasil ScreenShoot pada status penjualonline dalam forum jual beli online. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknikstudi pustaka, membaca, mencatat dan dimasukkan pada data penelitian. Teknik analisisdata menggunakan teknik interpretasi teks.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 50 data kutipan bentukcampur kode sering ditemukan dalam status penjual online dalam forum jual beli di kotaPalangka Raya di Facebook terdapat 50 kutipan dengan rincian campur kode dalam bentukkata 37 kata, campur kode dalam bentuk frasa 19 frasa, campur kode dalam bentuk kataulang 1 kata ulang, dan campur kode dalam bentuk klausa 1 klausa. Jadi dapat simpulkanbahwa bentuk campur kode yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam forum jual beli onlineFacebook di kota Palangka Raya adalah bentuk kata dan frasa. Faktor penyebab yangmelatarbelakangi campur kode dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu, latar belakang nonkebahasaan atau sikap (atitudinal type) dan latar belakang kebahasaan (linguistic type).Faktor penyebab terjadinya campur kode dalam forum jual beli online di kota PalangkaRaya di Facebook berjumlah 50 data, faktor campur kode non kebahasaan 24 data denganrincian (a) need for synonym 2 data, (b) social value 22 data. Faktor kebahasaan sebanyak28 data dengan rincian (a) low frequenchy of word 2 data, (b) oversight 2 data dan (c) end(purpose and goal) 24 data. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyebab penjual onlinemelakukan campur kode adalah social value yaitu penutur segaja menggunakan bahasaasing dalam tuturannya agar terlihat seperti orang yang terpelajar, modern, berwawasanluas dan hebat dan penyebab selajutnya adalah end (purpose and goal) yaitu penutur inginmenerangkan, membujuk, dan meyankikan pembeli agar barang yang dijual menarikperhatian pembeli

    Teacher Educators Perspectives on The Use of Augmented Reality for Foreign Language

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    The purpose of this research is to share reflections on Augmented Reality (AR) technology as an upgrade tool for foreign language development. Exploring the short but considerable literature research, this post discusses AR technology for the rise in the philosophy of upgrading, upgrading teacher nursery in position, teachers, pupils, customs, infrastructure, and sustainability, using the framework of activities outlines the suitability of the use of upgrading technology in development programs. For analysis, AR technology has essential benefits for language development; however, it is not suitable for all language types. Not only that, but this information also offers solid recommendations for activities that are enhanced with AR in 4 skills as well as language-specific applications. This information has some relevance for instructors, teachers, researchers, and creators of Augmented reality content


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    The reinvention of Mite Putri Mayang as a form of development of Dayak Maanyan oral literature in East Barito Regency is a form of innovation to revive the meaning of each story in it through the form of a short story. This research aims to create the Putri Mayang myth as a form of developing Dayak Maanyan folklore in East Barito Regency through short story writing. The research method used is the Participatory Planning and Research (PPR) research method, data analysis is carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner, so that the presentation only takes the form of an explanation in the form of words. Data collection was carried out by determining the research object, the material object was the oral literature myth of Putri Mayang, while the formal object was Ruth Finnegan\u27s oral literature theory. Search for data in two ways, namely literature and field. The results of research regarding the Putri Mayang myth of the Dayak Maanyan tribe in East Barito Regency, it can be concluded that this story reflects local leadership without highlighting the superiority of the Banjaran or the inferiority of the Kedayakan. Putri Mayang Sari\u27s leadership focuses on people\u27s welfare, food security, and the implementation of the traditional Dayak Maanyan government system. This mythical story also contains religiosity, social, political and economic values ​​in ritual practices, inter-religious tolerance, an inclusive government system, and an emphasis on food security in the Maanyan Dayak community. The process of recreating the short story Putri Mayang shows creative efforts in reinterpreting the myth. Even though there are variations in interpretation, some short stories are still tied to the setting and characters of the original myth. For example, "Parang Maya" carries regional values ​​while giving a contemporary touch. The creation of short stories is a refreshing form of creativity in the cultural heritage of the Dayak Maanyan people

    Sexuality Comparison in Novel Eleven Minutes With Tuhan Izinkanlah Aku Menjadi Pelacur! Memoar Luka Seorang Muslimah

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the theme of sexuality in the main character, Maria (novel "Eleven Minutes") and Kiran (novel "God allows me to become a prostitute! Memoar Luka a Muslimah"). The theory of comparative literature (comparative literature) will be the analysis knife of this research. Comparative literary theory generally emphasizes the comparison of two or more works from at least two different countries. This research will completely reveal two works from different countries. The findings of the study show: (1) the similarities in the sexuality of the characters Maria and Kiran include: (a) feeling pleasure and innocence when having intercourse; (b) having sex to fulfill biological needs; (c) Confide in each other with guests; (d) a prostitute by profession; and (e) the pay is high. (2) The differences in the themes of sexuality between Maria and Kiran include: (a) the main character Maria's sexual needs are carried out not because of a feeling of disappointment towards God but because they want to know what it is like to have a sexual adventure, while the sexual needs of the main character Kiran are used as the most basic needs because sex is made the main character as an escape from disappointment to God; (b) The main character Maria graduated from high school, while the main character Kiran is a student (c) The end of the story the main character Maria stops being a prostitute, while the main character Kiran remains a prostitute.   Keywords: comparison, comparative literature, sexuality, and themes   Abstrak   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tema seksualitas pada tokoh utama, Maria (novel ”Eleven Minutes”) dan Kiran (novel “Tuhan Izinkanlah Aku Menjadi Pelacur! Memoar Luka Seorang Muslimah”). Teori Sastra bandingan (comparative literature) akan menjadi pisau analisis penelitian ini. Teori sastra bandingan umumnya menekankan perbandingan dua karya atau lebih dari sedikitnya dua negara yang berbeda. Penelitian ini akan mengungkap tuntas dua buah karya dari negara yang berbeda. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Persamaan tema seksualitas tokoh Maria dan Kiran meliputi: (a) sama-sama merasa nikmat dan tidak berdosa ketika melakukan hubungan intim; (b) melakukan seks untuk memenuhi kebutuhan biologis; (c) Saling curhat dengan tamunya; (d) berprofesi pelacur; dan (e) bayarannya mahal. (2) Perbedaaan tema seksualitas tokoh Maria dan Kiran meliputi: (a) kebutuhan seks oleh tokoh utama Maria dilakukan bukan karena pelarian rasa kecewa terhadap Tuhan tetapi karena ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya berpetualang seks, sedangkan kebutuhan seks tokoh utama Kiran dijadikan sebagai kebutuhan yang paling mendasar karena seks dijadikan tokoh utama sebagai pelarian rasa kecewa terhadap Tuhan; (b) Tokoh utama Maria lulusan SMA, sedangkan tokoh utama Kiran seorang mahasiswa (c) Akhir cerita tokoh utama Maria berhenti menjadi pelacur, sedangkan tokoh utama Kiran tetap menjadi pelacur.   Kata kunci: perbandingan, sastra bandingan, seksualitas, dan tem